The Team
Our doctors at Ark Chiropractic are not only qualified professionals, they are also caring and friendly. Feel free to approach us with questions, or drop in for a consultation!
Dr Daniel Tan. DC, ISSCD
M. Chiro., B. Chiro. Sc. (Australia)
Principal Chiropractor
Founder of Ark Chiropractic
Dr. Daniel Tan. DC, ICCSP.
Graduated with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and Master of Chiropractic from Macquarie University, Australia
Practising in Singapore since 2007
Top of the class in Clinical Internship
Dr. Daniel has worked for various chiropractors in Sydney and assisted in the preparation of professional athletes for the various teams of the Australian Women's Hockey National Championships
Post-graduate studies include research in geriatric patient handling which explores the modification of adjustment styles, scheduling and common adjusting area to achieve better results in geriatric care. Post-graduate studies also include seminar series of pediatric care and chiropractic neurology
Special interest in sport chiropractic, rehabilitation, ergonomics and paediatrics
Registered member of the Chiropractors Registration Board of Australia
Internationally certified chiropractic sport practitioner (ICCSP)
Certified Radiographer in NSW
Registered member of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australia
Dr Hyung Wook Kang. DC.
M. Chiro. (Australia), B. Sc. (New Zealand)
Associate Chiropractor
Dr. Hyung Wook KANG (강형욱). DC.
Originally born in South Korea. Completed high school education in New Zealand and graduated from Master of Chiropractic in Macquarie University, Australia.
Registered Chiropractor of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, and has over 10 years Chiropractic experience in Sydney, Australia. (APHRA:
Registered member of CHIROPRACTIC AUSTRALIA (CA).
Specialises in sport chiropractic, sport injury rehabilitation and body mechanics.This is due to his long enthusiastic participation in sporting activities such as tennis, Japanese kendo, and road cycling.
Area of interests include disc herniation and stenosis, chronic lower back pain, pelvis adjustment , chronic neck pain with headache, posture correction for kids, scoliosis and kyphosis, paediatrics.
Provides best hands on chiropractic techniques so that his ultimate goal is to assist you in fast recovery from pain and maintaining healthier life.
Dr.강형욱은 호주 시드니 맥콰리대학교 대학원에서 카이로프랙틱 석사 과정을 졸업후, 척추신경 교정전문 의사 면허를 취득하엿습니다.
CA(Chiropractic Australia)그리고 AHPRA 호주 카이로프랙틱 협회 정회원이며
호주 시드니에서 척추 전문병원 “사랑의 척추병원” 원장으로 10여년간 척추 및 관절 질환 환자를 진료해 왔습니다.
10여년간의 풍부한 임상경험과 노하우을 통하여 ”척추 디스크, 협착증, 출산후 골반교정, 성장기 어린이 자세 및 척추교정, 만성요통, 척추측만증, 거북목, 두통," 등 다양한 척추 질환을 성심 성의껏 진료해 드릴 것 입니다.
또한 검도, 테니스, 사이클링 등 다양한 스포츠를 즐겨왔으며 이로 인한 부상에도 많은 경험 및 전문적인 지식과 노하우로서, 스포츠관련 부상 및 재활에 대한 정확한 진단 및 해결법을 제시해 줄 것 입니다.